Sunday, 29 August 2010

One Step Closer


So I appear to have failed at what I intended to use this blog for. Life got in the way, and then I wasn't even sure if I was actually *going* to apply for a third time, but I did.

That was a few days ago. Yesterday, I got home from town to find a very understated email waiting for me.

Dear Victoria Bradly

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited to a telephone interview. To continue, please login to your Yummy Jobs account and follow the instructions to choose a suitable date and time for you.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,
The Yummy Jobs Team

So I'm one step closer than I've ever been before. Bare in mind that with each re-application I've been attacking my CV to hell to try and improve it. Seems that this time, I finally got it right. Or at least, right enough to warrant listening to me on the phone. Whether it'll be enough to take me through to Face-to-face interviews in London is a different matter. Anyways, I've booked my scary little phone call for 10:30 am Wednesday morning. Thankfully, I then have work all day Wednesday, so I won't be able to stress out over how much I messed it up too much. Because, knowing me (and I kinda do), that's exactly what I'll end up doing.

So, I guess, wish me luck!

Now that things are actually happening, I will try my best to actually keep this thing semi-up-to-date. If nothing else, and I get truly lucky (which I still don't believe I will), I'll need this blog for everyone to keep in touch with me once I'm over in Florida. Not that I'll end up over there. Even if I am one step closer than I've ever been before.

I guess that's all for now. I might actually put in a load of the info I mentioned in my first post at some point. But later on. When I'm waiting for other things, maybe. We'll see!

Keep on dreaming!

P.S. Apologies for repeating myself lots.